Have Your Say on Carscoop

A couple of days ago we were contacted by a Carscoop reader who expressed his desire to contribute on our site with some op-ed style articles reflecting his own opinions on automotive related matters. His name is Phil Alex and after a few mails back and forth, we happily accepted his proposal. You can read Phil's first article that focuses on GM's Saturn brand later in the day.

Carscoop has been growing the past few years and at the same time, so has our readership that includes millions of people from all four corners of the world. With this in mind, Phil's proposal gave us an idea; why not share our space with our readers? It's blogging in its purest sense - that way it was meant to be. If you have something to say in an articulate and well written manner drop us a line, and who knows, maybe your article will be featured on Carscoop next time.

Have Your Say on Carscoop Have Your Say on Carscoop Reviewed by Unknown on 14:23:00 Rating: 5

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