Get an eyeful of this Bedford! (I've just learned it's not on the island of Malta, but the next close island, Gozo)


this image was photoshopped into a Batmobile... which is interesting

Commentary on Jalopnik has most people noticing it is Maltese, and for more oddball custom buses in the same "Almost" american 50's style: and the license plate matches a Maltese, confirming the commentors who instantly recognized that it was related to the Maltese buses,

For a separate look at the buses and small trucks that look odd to me, use Google Chrome (love it) to translate for you and read

Steve found a photo of this, and it's been garaged a while

Get an eyeful of this Bedford! (I've just learned it's not on the island of Malta, but the next close island, Gozo) Get an eyeful of this Bedford! (I've just learned it's not on the island of Malta, but the next close island, Gozo) Reviewed by Unknown on 20:50:00 Rating: 5

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