Get an eyeful of this Bedford! (I've just learned it's not on the island of Malta, but the next close island, Gozo)

this image was photoshopped into a Batmobile... which is interesting
Commentary on Jalopnik has most people noticing it is Maltese, and for more oddball custom buses in the same "Almost" american 50's style: and the license plate matches a Maltese, confirming the commentors who instantly recognized that it was related to the Maltese buses,
For a separate look at the buses and small trucks that look odd to me, use Google Chrome (love it) to translate for you and read
Steve found a photo of this, and it's been garaged a while
Get an eyeful of this Bedford! (I've just learned it's not on the island of Malta, but the next close island, Gozo)
Reviewed by Unknown

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