Continental Supply PSA with Maxwell Ultracapacitor for Start-Stop System

Continental AG is supplying Maxwell Technologies ultracapacitor-based booster systems to PSA Peugeot Citroën for its second-generation e-HDi Start-Stop Systems. PSA plans to sell around one million vehicles equipped with the new E-Booster micro-hybrid technology e-HDi over the next three years.

The system takes advantage of even the slightest opportunity to turn off the engine, thus noticeably reducing fuel consumption. A vehicle equipped with standard transmission will even shut off its engine when rolling at speeds below 20 km/h (12 mph). Under normal driving conditions, such a system can increase mileage by about 5%. That figure jumps to 15% if a lot of city driving is involved, with CO2 emissions also dropping by 15%.

The micro-hybrid e-HDi technology uses a new 2.2 kW starter-generator, a 70% increase over first-generation systems.

A powerful booster module was required to deliver the power surge needed to assure easy diesel engine starts even at below-freezing temperatures. The module needed to get the engine to idling speed quickly so as to make vibrations and engine noises practically unnoticeable in 400 milliseconds—twice as fast as a normal starter motor.

Based on a concept by PSA Peugeot Citroën, Continental designed and built a booster module to meet those requirements, plus guarantee that restarting the engine wouldn’t drain power away from other devices such as the radio, headlights, or windshield wipers. The power electronics in the E-booster control recharging the ultracapacitors during the recuperative phase.

Maxwell Technologies says it has begun production-level deliveries of the BOOSTCAP ultracapacitors to Continental AG. PSA Peugeot Citroën plans to equip about 30% of its diesel automobiles with the new start-stop system by 2012.

Continental Supply PSA with Maxwell Ultracapacitor for Start-Stop System Continental Supply PSA with Maxwell Ultracapacitor for Start-Stop System Reviewed by Unknown on 21:25:00 Rating: 5

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