The Stig Test Drives the Nissan Leaf Electric Car

Ben Collins aka The Stig, who recently quit the BBCs Top Gear to get in front of the camera himself, has chosen to do his first video review driving the Nissan Leaf Electric Car.

Collins is an obvious fan of the plug-in Leaf (and Tesla Roadster) so we are left to speculate that perhaps one of the reasons for Collins leaving Top Gear was their ridiculously negative and antiquated attitude towards electric cars.

Collins is infinitely more qualified to review cars, with 10 years motor racing experience, than either a ex-small town newspaper hack (Clarkson), an ex-musician (May) or an ex-radio presenter (Hammond).
The Stig Test Drives the Nissan Leaf Electric Car The Stig Test Drives the Nissan Leaf Electric Car Reviewed by Unknown on 16:32:00 Rating: 5

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