Hammer UTV Racer Comes to a Very Abrupt Stop [NSFW]

Just because you can go faster than other participants at some point in a race, doesn't necessarily mean that you should (at least not always) because you might be in for a very nasty surprise as Matt Messer and his co-driver found out during the 2012 King Of The Hammers UTV race last week. Read more »
Hammer UTV Racer Comes to a Very Abrupt Stop [NSFW]
Reviewed by Unknown
![Hammer UTV Racer Comes to a Very Abrupt Stop [NSFW]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ls5cHhfIU3k/TzqvEQE81GI/AAAAAAAGtOA/E9Eiuy9Lu7o/s72-c/Untitled-2.jpg)
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