Facelifted Vauxhall Mokka X Starts From £17,590, Gets Astra's 150HP 1.4T [47 Pics]

Building on the success of its predecessor and offered in an extensive range of variants, the facelifted Vauxhall Mokka X is set to arrive in showrooms across the UK from October.
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Facelifted Vauxhall Mokka X Starts From £17,590, Gets Astra's 150HP 1.4T [47 Pics]
Reviewed by Unknown
![Facelifted Vauxhall Mokka X Starts From £17,590, Gets Astra's 150HP 1.4T [47 Pics]](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0LPH6EZaxKI/V9E2gXIlsCI/AAAAAAAAl-U/z7NunxGn_REMCdNsulxl4b4rfbs1XllAwCLcB/s72-c/2017-vauxhall-mokka-0.jpg)
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